Fitting the Brace

Leading the way in Bracing Standards

The fitting appointment can take a while however it is essential to optimise comfort at this stage to allow the wearing in journey to go as smoothly as possible. It is also importable to ensure the brace is providing effective spine correction.

Many adjustments are done at this stage and whilst you wait it is encouraged that you bring along some entertainment and snacks so you feel comfortable, relaxed and distracted!

What can I expect from the fitting appointment?

In immature individuals where there is potential to reduce the Cobb angle, full time wear and compliance is essential to achieve the best results. The brace should however be removed for washing and exercise, including sports activities. If you are having difficulties achieving full time wear, please get in touch.

We are here to help and can offer support and advice regarding this. As growth slows and the improvements are made, it will be possible to reduce the daily wear time.

When you are first fitted and supplied with your GBW brace, your body will need time to adjust to the change in posture and alignment. This adjustment period normally ranges from 2-4 weeks but can take longer. Remember to be patient and take it slowly.

Schroth physiotherapy can assist with getting your body adjusted to its new posture. Sometimes there may be symptoms due to short tight muscles, stiffness and mobility of the spinal column and these can reduce with short term additional exercises.

Learn About

The Gensingen Brace

Braced for Scoliosis is the only UK provider for the Gensingen brace.

Learn how the Gensingen brace is designed, fitted, and its efficacy in treating adolescent and juvenile Scoliosis, as well as how it can be effectively paired with Schroth therapy.

How will my child get used to wearing their Gensingen back brace?

The following wear and care guidelines will help your child be as comfortable as possible during this time. Below is a typical example of a wearing in diary:

Day 1: Wear your GBW brace for 1 – 2 hours.
Day 2: Increase wear time aiming for 3 hours.
Day 3: Increase by another hour aiming for 4 hours. Often days 1 – 3 can be done after school in the evenings.
Day 4: As Day 3 and then try to increase the wearing your brace for some, or all the night.
Day 5 – 7: Repeat day four. By this time the treatment can be overwhelming, and it is normal to plateau with wear time.
Day 8 – 12: Continue to wear overnight and aim to increase the daytime hours to include the school day. Start with non-PE days first.
Day 13 – 21: You should by now feel more comfortable in the brace and should try to aim for 22 hours per day.

The Final Step

Brace management

Brace Management

You’ve made it! The brace has been designed, manufactured, tailored and fitted. Ongoing back brace treatment is now required and we will work with you on a series of follow-ups, which are essential for the management of your child’s health, development and wellbeing. You can read more about this important step now.

Useful Links

British Scoliosis Society


Appointments are available with me, Sally Hews at the clinic in Hersham, Surrey.

Joint sessions with Schroth Therapist Debs Turnbull are also available at our clinic.

Have a Question?

If you have any questions about treatment, whether you or your child are a suitable candidate, or anything else, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Braced for Scoliosis

The UK’s most experienced Gensingen brace provider, for the treatment of adolescent and early onset Scoliosis.

How to support your student who needs wears a spinal brace to treat adolescent Scoliosis.

Contact Details

0333 339 8015

Clinic located in Herhsam, Surrey

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